About SuricataLog


When I started learning how to use Suricata quickly found that I needed a tool to inspect the eve.json file; Most of the tutorials and documentation out there suggested installing a stack to do the following tasks:

  1. Store the logs in a central location
  2. Normalize and enrich the events, specially alerts
  3. Use a frontend to dive into the data

Which is very useful, but what if I just needed to do a quick inspection of the events?

Sooner or later you will get bored to death doing this:

cat eve.json | jq -r -c 'select(.event_type=="alert")|.payload'| base64 --decode

SuricataLog is a set of tools/ scripts to parse and display Suricata log files (like /var/log/suricata/eve.json)

The Eve JSON format is not very complex, so I wrote few scripts with the features I tough would be more useful for my home network analysis.

As a bonus, I wrote my learning experience as a tutorial that you can use to learn about Suricata and also how to test it.

Installing from PIP

Before you do anything else, make sure your environment is good to go:

python3 -m venv ~/virtualenv/suricatalog
. ~/virtualenv/suricatalog/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel

Installing from Pypi.org

pip3 install --upgrade SuricataLog

Installing from source

git clone git@github.com:josevnz/SuricataLog.git
cd SuricataLog
python3 -m venv ~/virtualenv/suricatalog
. ~/virtualenv/suricatalog/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install --upgrade build
python3 -m build
pip3 install dist/SuricataLog-X.Y.Z-py3-none-any.whl

Developer installation

git clone git@github.com:josevnz/SuricataLog.git
cd SuricataLog
python3 -m venv ~/virtualenv/suricatalog
. ~/virtualenv/suricatalog/bin/activate
python3 setup.py develop

Running unit tests is very easy after that:

python -m unittest test/test_suricatalog.py
Ran 3 tests in 0.134s


Running the scripts

Once everything is installed you should be able to call the scripts

Simple EVE log parser

Better see it by yourself

Table format:


eve_log.py --timestamp '2015-01-01 10:41:21.642899' --formats table test/eve.json

Show records in JSON format:


eve_log.py --timestamp '2015-01-01 10:41:21.642899' --formats json test/eve.json

Or brief format:


eve_log.py --timestamp '2015-01-01 10:41:21.642899' --formats brief test/eve.json

Canned reports with eve_json.py

(suricatalog) [josevnz@dmaf5 SuricataLog]$ eve_json.py --help
usage: eve_json.py [-h] [--nxdomain | --payload | --flow | --netflow NETFLOW | --useragent] eve [eve ...]

This script is inspired by the examples provided on [15.1.3. Eve JSON ‘jq’ Examples](https://suricata.readthedocs.io/en/suricata-6.0.0/output/eve/eve-json-
examplesjq.html) A few things: * The output uses colorized JSON

positional arguments:
  eve                Path to one or more /var/log/suricata/eve.json file to parse.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --nxdomain         Show DNS records with NXDOMAIN
  --payload          Show alerts with a printable payload
  --flow             Aggregated flow report per protocol and destination port
  --netflow NETFLOW  Get the netflow for a given IP address
  --useragent        Top user agent in HTTP traffic











Running using a container

You only need to mount the eve.json file inside the container and call any of the scripts the same way you will on bare-metal.


You only need to mount the directory where the Suricata Eve files are saved

docker run --rm --interactive --tty --mount type=bind,source=/var/log/suricata/,destination=/logs,readonly suricatalog/eve_log:latest --timestamp '2022-02-23T18:22:24.405139+0000' --formats json /logs/eve.json


docker run --rm --interactive --tty --mount type=bind,source=/var/log/suricata/,destination=/logs,readonly suricatalog/eve_json:latest --nxdomain /logs/eve.json

Building the Docker container

You need to build the images in order

git clone git@github.com:josevnz/SuricataLog.git
cd SuricataLog
BUILDKIT=1 docker build --tag suricatalog/eve_log --file Dockerfile-eve_log .
BUILDKIT=1 docker build --tag suricatalog/eve_json --file Dockerfile-eve_json .

Why 2 Docker build files? I don’t want to spawn any Shell processes inside the container, instead each container will be very limited on what it can and cannot run.